Prp Treatment

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a process of the haired scalp and hair follicles treatment by using the materials in your own blood.

There is a big interest in PRP technique which becomes increasingly common in the world

PRP (platelet Rich Plasma) is a process of the haired scalp and hair follicles treatment by using the materials in your own blood. This method which can be easily used in a short time and gives effective results is shown as the best medical treatment method.

Platelet Rich Plasma PRP hinders hair loss

PRP method which is defined as “Vampire” trend and is the choice of Hollywood stars attracts great attention in Turkey as well. The method is the process of treatment, refreshment and reinforcement of haired scalp and the follicles in it using the materials in your own blood. 10-20 ml blood which is taken from the patient gets centrifuge and micro filtration methods, by this way red blood cells are separated. Then a rich plasma material is obtained from the cells called platelet or thrombosis which have an important role on treatment of white cells and organism. This material is injected to the area without hair. The purpose is to stop hair loss with this rich material, to get the hair a healthy circle and to strengthen the strands. Thanks to the PRP treatment which is new in Turkey, very serious effects have been observed in hair refreshment.

PRP is more effective than other hair treatment methods in terms if its advantages

PRP method has no risk of allergy and blood borne disease because the patient’s own blood is used. Recovery time is shorter because of its content. The method treats and refreshes textures. By this way, new collagen production and vascular development are provided. With growing factors and redevelopment of the area between cells the damages in textures are recovered and fresh textures are created. The method is a physiologic antibiotic with its antibodies; its content is rich in hormones, vitamin and all other nutritional element. Providing the required material for the process and application is easy.